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This module provides a few helper classes for margins and paddings.

Just assign these classes to your components however you like:

<div class="newsletter-box  u-mb+">
        <div class="u-mb+ up--">


There are two basic variations of classes:

  • .u-m for margins
  • .u-p for paddings

These classes would do:

        .u-m {
            margin: $inuit-base-spacing-unit;
        .u-p {
            padding: $inuit-base-spacing-unit;

Specific Directions

If you want to assign margins/paddings just for specific directions, you've got to specify the classes furthermore:

  • u-mt for margin-top
  • u-mr for margin-right
  • u-mb for margin-bottom
  • u-ml for margin-left
  • u-mv for margin-top and margin-bottom
  • u-mh for margin-left and margin-right

And just as well for the padding classes.


Each particular class above has always one specific value of margin/padding (default is $inuit-base-spacing-unit). You can control the amount of spacing by assigning different classes:

  • u-pb-- for padding-bottom with a tiny spacing
  • u-pl- for padding-left with a small spacing
  • u-pt+ for padding-top with a large spacing
  • u-pr++ for padding-right with a huge spacing
  • u-pb0 for resetting padding-bottom to 0

And just as well for the margin classes.

Negative margins

For margins there is also the ability of assigning negative spacings:

  • u--ml++ will set a huge negative margin to the left
  • u--mb- will set a small negative margin to the bottom

Without enabling anything, none of the above will be available.

In order to use one of those spacings, you need to enable each specific feature you need by overriding the appropriate variable to true:

                // Predefine the variables below in order to alter and enable specific features.
                $inuit-spacing-namespace:               $inuit-namespace !default;
                $inuit-margin:                          $inuit-base-spacing-unit !default;
                $inuit-margin--small:                       halve($inuit-margin) !default;
                $inuit-margin--tiny:                      quarter($inuit-margin) !default;
                $inuit-margin--large:                      double($inuit-margin) !default;
                $inuit-margin--huge:                    quadruple($inuit-margin) !default;
                $inuit-padding:                         $inuit-base-spacing-unit !default;
                $inuit-padding--small:                      halve($inuit-padding) !default;
                $inuit-padding--tiny:                     quarter($inuit-padding) !default;
                $inuit-padding--large:                     double($inuit-padding) !default;
                $inuit-padding--huge:                   quadruple($inuit-padding) !default;
                $inuit-enable-margins:                  false !default;
                $inuit-enable-margins--tiny:            false !default;
                $inuit-enable-margins--small:           false !default;
                $inuit-enable-margins--large:           false !default;
                $inuit-enable-margins--huge:            false !default;
                $inuit-enable-margins--negative:        false !default;
                $inuit-enable-margins--negative-tiny:   false !default;
                $inuit-enable-margins--negative-small:  false !default;
                $inuit-enable-margins--negative-large:  false !default;
                $inuit-enable-margins--negative-huge:   false !default;
                $inuit-enable-margins--none:            false !default;
                $inuit-enable-paddings:                 false !default;
                $inuit-enable-paddings--tiny:           false !default;
                $inuit-enable-paddings--small:          false !default;
                $inuit-enable-paddings--large:          false !default;
                $inuit-enable-paddings--huge:           false !default;
                $inuit-enable-paddings--none:           false !default;