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Welcome to our village

We have 60 Igloos and growing up !

Table of Contents

What is Inuit Village?

Inuit Village is intented to be a place to host all pices (as Harry says we can call them "Igloos") of InuitCSS framework that follows Inuit Standars such us ITCSS, BEM, and others described below in Best Practices section.

The intention of this village is to have as much a as Inuit "Igloos" that may be around as long has they are deliverd by bower (or npm)

As I said, it is not limited only to Harry Roberts elements and any body can contribute to the Village

For each component (object, generic,settings, etc) there is a documented page and in some cases there are also examples of use

With this github project and also web page you can always have a good reference of Inuit framework and a quick gide to use it. You can download the project, fork it or just surf the web page to see what you can achieve with InuitCSS

The project is intented to be as much as modularized as posible, in order to allow the developers to only grab what they need, please see "how to use it" section to get a better undestanding

Best practices


In Harry Robert's own words:

inuit.css is a CSS framework. Another one. Except I like to think that inuit.css is a little different. It’s not a grid system, it’s not a boilerplate, it’s not a starting point, it’s a fully featured and extensive framework. It is designed to do 90% of the grunt work for you, it takes care of the boring bits that you have to do on every build and leaves you enough time to concentrate fully on the fun bits.


inuit.css is a pragmatic framework which uses lots of progressive enhancement. Rather than trying to be everything to everyone it performs to its environment. IE7 works a treat, but Firefox 4 works even better. inuit.css takes a sensible approach to web development.


In Harry Robert's own words:

ITCSS—which stands for Inverted Triangle CSS—is a fully managed CSS architecture. It's not a framework or library; there's nothing to download or install.

It's a collection of principles and metrics by which developers should group and order their CSS in order to keep it scalable, terse, logical, and manageable.

It's very specifically opinionated in that it gives definite rules and guidelines for your source order and groupings, but it leaves decisions about naming conventions and preprocessors etc. up to you. This means that, although ideally suited to larger projects, ITCSS can be used on builds of all shapes and sizes.

One of the key principles of ITCSS is that it separates your CSS codebase to several sections (called layers), which take form of the inverted triangle:

These layers are as follows:

  • Settings – used with preprocessors and contain font, colors definitions, etc.
  • Tools – globally used mixins and functions. It’s important not to output any CSS in the first 2 layers.
  • Generic – reset and/or normalize styles, box-sizing definition, etc. This is the first layer which generates actual CSS.
  • Base – styling for bare HTML elements (like H1, A, etc.). These come with default styling from the browser so we can redefine them here.
  • Objects – class-based selectors which define undecorated design patterns, for example media object known from OOCSS
  • Components – specific UI components. This is where majority of our work takes place and our UI components are often composed of Objects and Components
  • Trumps – utilities and helper classes with ability to override anything which goes before in the triangle, eg. hide helper class

The triangle also shows how styles represented by selectors are ordered in the resulting CSS: from generic styles to explicit ones, from low-specificity selectors to more specific ones (but still not too specific, IDs are not allowed) and from far reaching to localized ones.


BEM is an abbreviation of three entities: a Block, an Element and a Modifier. BEM is a methodology of web projects development, that allows you to divide an interface into logically independent blocks.

We are using BEM to name our CSS class and consecuently named in the HTML


Standalone entity that is meaningful on its own.

A Block will be the component itself named in lower case to delimit separate words with a hyphen (-) character.


Parts of a block and have no standalone meaning. They are semantically tied to its block.

An Element will be the union of the block name and double Underscore "__" follow by a reperesentative name


Flags on blocks or elements. Use them to change appearance or behavior.

A Modifier will be the name of the block or an element folllow by doble hyphen (--) and a reperesentative name

Here is an example of using BEM in HTML and CSS

            <!-- A represntation of a media Block that contains an image an a text-->
            <<div class="media media--large">
                <img class="media__img" src="">
                <p class="media__body"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
        .media {display: block;}

        .media__img {
            float: left;
            margin-right: 28px;

        .media__body {
            overflow: hidden;
            display: block;

        .media--large {padding:20px;}

        .media--large > .media__img {
            margin-right: 56px;

Single responsability principe

The term was introduced by Robert C. Martin in an article by the same name as part of his Principles of Object Oriented Design made popular by his book Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices.

The single responsibility principle states that every module or class should have responsibility over a single part of the functionality provided by the software, and that responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by the class. All its services should be narrowly aligned with that responsibility.

In other words this principle states that everything you create should be created for a single, focused reason. The styles you apply to a given selector should be created for a single purpose, and should do that single purpose extremely well.

This doesn’t mean you should have individual classes for padding-10, font-size-20, and color-green. The single purpose we’re talking about is not the styles that they apply, but rather where the styles are applied

Single source of truth principe

The single source of truth approach takes the single responsibility theory to the next level in that not only is a class created for a single purpose, but also the styles applied to that class come from one single source. In a modular design, the design of any component must be determined by the component itself, and never imposed on it by a parent class.

How to use it

As a reference

As a starting point for your project

If you download the source code, you will see that every thing is setup as modular components in order to grab only what it is interest for you.

If you open style.scss , you will see that every "Igloo" is setup in its layer and also you can spect to have two other files for each Igloo.
These two files are a settings file that has to be reference before the bower component does and is meant to contain all variables that can be change in the bower/npm component. The second file is an override modifier that extends the component by overriding or extendings their initial values

NOTE: Not all Igloos have variables to setup , there for they may not have a --setup file, and also some other igloos that have no html representation (specially igloos that lays on settings and tools layers) will not need of an --override file

here is an example of the "media" object

// ************************************
// ******* #OBJECTS *******
// ************************************

// for every igloo you can spect to have as much as 2 other files

// a file that contains media setting like : $inuit-enable-media--tiny: true;
@import "objects/setup/";
// ......................
// bower component
@import "bower_component/inuit-media/";
// ............................
// just in case we need to add more stuff to that Igloo
@import "objects/override/";

How to contribute

You can contribute in many ways:

Credits & acknowledments

All this work is base on InuitCSS framework made by Harry Robets, he is also the creator of ITCSS methodology

BEM methodology was invented at Yandex

I want to give special thanks to Dennis Heibült and his initial project inuit kitchen sink which as been for me a guide an a reference to make this Inuit Village

Useful links